Check at least once a year the condition of the roof as well as the lower covering of the roof, to check that it has not been damaged by moisture. Ideally, a roof maintenance expert should also perform a
review, albeit less frequently - every five years.
Make sure there are no tree branches near the ceiling. If there are, cut them to prevent them from rubbing or hanging over it. If you have a fireplace, special care must be taken that branches are not overhead or too close, to ensure good ventilation and reduce the risk of possible fires.
Examine, in addition to the tiles, the condition of the joints in the roof, both between the tiles themselves and at the edges and, if there are any in the chimney, ventilation ducts, the attic, skylights and skylights.
Clean shingles and joints not only of dirt, but also bird, spider, insect and fungus nests. The same for television antennas, weather vanes and any other object installed on the roof.
Remove all fallen leaves from trees that collect in gutters, especially in fall and early winter.